Examination Cycle
Flexible Examinations are conducted four times in a year i.e. January, April, July & October.
Exam Date | Last Date to Enroll For Exam | ||
January | 1st to 10th January | October | 1st to 31st |
April | 1st to 10th April | January | 1st to 31st |
July | 1st to 10th July | April | 1st to 30th |
October | 1st to 10th October | July | 1st to 31st |
AIIMES conducts three types of Examinations
(A) Center Based:
Students can opt for three hours classroom examination as well .The exam will be conducted at AIIMES study centers. In such a case the students will not be allowed to refer study materials in the examination center. The student should indicate the preference for this option at the time of admission in application form.
(B) Assignment Based:
Case study based question paper is applicable for home or Email option. Support for understanding this Case study based question paper is applicable for home or Email option. Support for understanding this option shall be provided on info@aiimes.in To apply for examinations student should send filled exam demand form which is available on our website or send a request on info@aiimes.in before 60 days from particular session. For Example, if a student enrolls for January session, then he/she should send exam demand form, two months before the session i.e between 1st October to 31st October. Kindly make sure that exam demand form should be send on only info@aiimes.in only not any other email id then only it will be accepted.
(C) Home Based:
Every Student gets a Username and Password, which they can use to login to the Student Portal of AIIMES and as per the date of examination the students can give their exams online.
If you fail to send your request on time then you are requested to send your demand form for next session only, we will not accept your demand form at any circumstances if you will not submit on time as per session's last dates. Once you decide to make an examination request ,shall have to confirm the date for examination at least sixty day in advance from particular session ( Refer the above Table ), Thus on receiving question papers you shall have to attempt the papers within stipulated time; making late submission shall be liable to submit Rs.200/- per day delay charge for a maximum period of eight days.
The examination shall stand cancelled if the answers are not received upto eight extra days time. Subsequently, shall have to apply for re-examination. The re-examination charges shall be Rs. 500/- per paper and the delay charge of Rs. 1600/- shall also be charged, ( for example re-examination of three subjects fees to be paid will be: 1600 + 500 x 3 = 3100 ). This is to inform you beforehand so that you avoid late submission of answer sheets.
Submission of handwritten answer sheets is compulsory along with question papers at NSP, Pitampura New Delhi-34, Office only by courier.